Come say goodbye to Thrilliterate with me at Rhizome Cafe, Feb 24, 7:30pm and thank series curator Amber Dawn for five years of amazing fundraising.
The thrilLITERATE Reading Series has showcased some of Vancouver's most acclaimed queer and allied authors to raise funds for the women's literacy program at WISH, a drop-in centre for female survival sex workers in the Downtown Eastside. After nearly five years, organizer and host Amber Dawn is saddened, but ready to retire this community literary event, BUT NOT WITHOUT A FINAL FAREWELL!
Friday February 24 and Saturday 25! Two nights of poetry, storytelling and celebrating literacy as a basic human right!
Friday February 24 Readers include: Elizabeth Bachinsky, Afuwa Granger, Shana Myara, Donna Dykeman, Aaron Chan, Cathleen With, Antonette Rea and Tony Correia,
Saturday February 25 Readers include: Tash Wolfe, Larissa Lai, Terra Poirier, Sonnet L'Abbe, Crystal Sikma, Sigal Samuel and Amber Dawn
Rhizome Cafe, 317 E Broadway
Sliding Scale $5 - $20. 100% of the door goes to the WISH Learning and Literacy Program. Doors 7 pm. Show 7:30, both nights.