Monday, January 3, 2011

Some Readings Coming Up, Spring 2011

In Vancouver:

January 13, 7pm
Pulpfiction Books
2422 Main Street
Featuring Elizabeth Bachinsky,
Chris Urquhart, Tariq Hussein,
Clare Middleton and Meredith Hambrock

On Edge Reading Series
January 20, 7 pm
Emily Carr University
South Building, room 406
Featuring Elizabeth Bachinsky in conversation with Jacqueline Turner

In Kingston:

Tuesday February 8th, 8 p.m
the Grad Club, 162 Barrie St. at Union

Wednesday Feb. 9th, 11.30-1
Watson Hall, Room 517
Bader Lane, Queen's Campus.

In Montreal:

Thursday, February 10, 7 pm
Atwater Library
1200 Atwater Ave
Featuring Elizabeth Bachinsky and George Sipos

Stay tuned for upcoming readings in Abbotsford, BC, Spring 2011.