Teresa McWhirter, Lee Henderson, Elizabeth Bachinsky, Heather Susan Haley, Nikki Reimer, Chris Hutchinson, Dina Del Bucchia, Amber Dawn, Donato Mancini, Sonnet L’Abbe, Jonathon Wilcke, Catherine Owen.
The Real Vancouver Writers Series consists of 4 weekly events showcasing local Vancouver writers, publishers and creative literary artists at the W2 Culture + Media House.
These evenings are designed to show the city and the world real and diverse Vancouver culture and real creative individuals in the literary and publishing communities at a time when the eyes of the world are on our city.
Countless millions of people will want to know what real Vancouver culture looks like.
We are determined to take the opportunity to show the world just how amazing, diverse, talented and fun our literary and publishing culture is!
These events will occur every Wednesday during February beginning at 7pm.
Each night will showcase local writers doing short readings their work and/or interacting with a moderator, taking questions from the audience and will include book sales, signings, a multi-media component, music, cash bar, raffles and give-aways.
Every night will consist of writers that will give the in-house audience a glimpse of the variety of cultures, ethnicities, forms and skills of writers living and working in Vancouver.
It will showcase the writers, their books, their publishers and other support structures within the local community and the larger culture and publishing communities.
In conjunction with Books on the Radio and Geist Magazine.